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Coming Soon. . . DrawbarCity
Vintage Hammond Organs and Leslie Speakers Service.

With over 25 years experience in servicing Vintage Hammond Tonewheel Console Organs and Leslie Speakers, we're setting up shop in Central North Carolina.

If you would like to know when we will be taking service requests please take a moment and complete the form link below:

Contact You Form
When DBC Is Setup

Hammond Consoles

If the organ you have looks like any of these above we more and likely can service it.

We also offer TrekII upgrades for higher reliability and better sound.

Leslie Speakers

Whether you have a 122, 122RV, 142, 147, 147RV, 145, 22, 42, 47, or 45 we can get you up a running.

1. We offer New Soildstate "Switching Relays " by TrekII.
2. New High Quality Replacment Tubes "not from China".
3. New fast motor "O" rings
4. New Slow Motor Springs
5. Replacement Idler Tension Arm Assembly  and more. . .

and Upgrades

DrawbarCity offers a number of standard upgrades and refurbishments at resonalbe rates. Items like:

1. Bass Pedal Felts and upgrades
2. Keyboard Upstop Felt Replacement
3. Soildstate Leslie Relay Replacement, with 2 Yr warranty by TrekII.
4. Solidstate Preamp Upgrades for more power, reliabilty, and control by TrekII.

Need a Service Call?

If you need a service call, in CENTRAL NORTH CAROLINA,  please take a moment and complete the form link here: DrawbarCity Service Request Form or use the QR Code.

DrawbarCity Service Request QR Code